Feb 10 2018 RENO doTERRA Business Training - (Share the Oils Team)

By Share The Oils, LLC (other events)

Saturday, February 10 2018 10:00 AM 1:00 PM PST

READY to take your doTERRA Essential Oil Business to the NEXT level in 2018?

In January, you set New Years Resolutions... and in January, you probably dropped a bunch of them.

WHY?  Because you didn't have a clear plan of how to make them happen!

On Saturday, February 10th, we invite you to join us in our home if you are on the Share the Oils Team for some super-effective ways to get crystal clear on:

  1. What you want to get done in 2018
  2. How to turn it into a practical and realistic goal
  3. How to create a realistic plan of how to get there
  4. How to turn your plan into weekly milestones and daily activities

What you want to get done is set by YOU, not us.  It ONLY works that way.

And we won't pressure you in ANY WAY because truth-be-told, it wouldn't motivate you to get what you want.

We hope to INSPIRE you to want it badly enough that you are willing to learn the RIGHT WAY to get it done!

Interested?  Join us! 

Hey, it's only $5 and what else will you be doing to create the future you want on a Saturday in February for 3 hours?


Where else could you go for a few hours to help you get clarity for the new year?  Be among friends!

Price: $5 for general seating also includes a nice raffle of essential oils!

Keep smiling,

Ron and Liz, doTERRA Diamonds